Angelic Paranoia

Paranoidangel's Website

What I am reading Wednesday

What I Just Finished Reading
Quantum Leap: Pulitzer by L Elizabeth Storm. The Quantum Leap podcast said they were going to do this book next, so I re-read it. I remembered enough to know it was good, and it was good. It reminded me that everything I know about the Vietnam War I know from Quantum Leap. I could look it up, but I feel like I've got the gist. I think it came up in GCSE history, but I didn't do history because I knew it would be all about wars and that's not the part of history I'm interested in.

If This Gets Out by Sophie Gonzales & Cale Dietrich. This came up on Kobo for 99p and it sounded interesting, so I bought it. It's about a famous boy band and how their lives are restricted by it. It was interesting, but the POV alternated between two of the members and it confused me because there's a lot of things about them that are the same.

What I'm Currently Reading
I've just finished that book, so nothing yet!

What I'm Reading Next
I've just been on a Kobo 99p book buying spree and therefore have another 6 books on there to read. And two library holds. But I really need to read another book I already have, as March is coming up and I've only read two so far and I need to keep up. I want to complain that every time I choose a book a library hold comes in, but then I could just not look at the library ebooks page and find things to read.