Angelic Paranoia

Paranoidangel's Website

Fic writing and reading

I signed up to [info]unsent-letters-exchange this year. Last year I picked up a pinch hit and enjoyed it, so this year I signed up. But was thinking that I didn't really need to get a story. And then I ended up getting a great Jo Grant story.

Until I See You Again (3234 words) by AstroGirl
Fandom: Doctor Who, Doctor Who (1963), Doctor Who (2005), Sarah Jane Adventures
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: The Doctor & Jo Grant, Jo Grant/Cliff Jones
Characters: Jo Grant, Fourteenth Doctor (Doctor Who)
Additional Tags: Epistolary, Friendship, Aging, Reconnecting with old friends, Mentions of Doctor/River
Summary: Jo writes letters. Eventually, the Doctor responds.

I wrote some SJA. For which I re-watched some. It being on the iPlayer now makes it much easier than getting out the DVDs. In fact I re-watched a whole series before I stopped myself - I could have quite easily re-watched the whole thing.

Alien Tales (1097 words) by paranoidangel
Fandom: Sarah Jane Adventures
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Luke Smith, Clyde Langer
Additional Tags: Epistolary, Aliens
Summary: A selection of texts between Luke and Clyde after he starts at Oxford.

It was a good thing to get my writing again - the last thing I wrote I finished in November. And since then I've signed up for [info]intoabar which I haven't written for since 2013. I only let myself sign up because I've mostly written my [info]unconventionalcourtship fic which is going to be due about the same time. And I'm a bit busy at the moment out dancing most weekends between now and the deadline. I want to say I've thought about which fandoms to put down, but it's going to be Pike meeting someone from Doctor Who or SJA, so that could be a character I know well or not...

My Unconventional Courtship fic took a while because I couldn't decide whether it should end happily ever after (or at least okay for now) or everyone dies. I looked back at previous Unconventional Courtship fics to see how many ended happily.

I've written 9 of them and:

  • 3 are happy
  • 2 are happy but angsty before we get there
  • 2 are unhappy
  • 2 where the relationship doesn't change during the fic

So in summary, anything I write is likely to be angsty.

I wrote a fic two(!) years ago where Harry turns up at Sarah's in the present, using the Big Finish canon where the Doctor dropped him off a few decades in the future. Someone in the comments asked for more and I thought I'd like to write more. And came up with some more. I am finally writing some more. At least I have a first draft for chapter two and a vague idea for what could be chapter two or a sequel depending on how it comes out. But I've missed writing Sarah and Harry.

On a related note, I had a problem with my bandwidth getting out of control, which I solved by making my fic archive private. At some point I should really sort that out since there were definitely some non-bot visitors. I was too stressed to do anything at the time and now I keep forgetting/can't quite muster up the enthusiasm.