Angelic Paranoia

Paranoidangel's Website

What I am reading Wednesday

What I Just Finished Reading
The Murder at Sissingham Hall by Clara Benson. I think this was a prequel and it was all about a bloke who'd had his engagement broken off, gone to South Africa, got into mining and was rich. Then he comes back and halfway through the book someone is murdered. I can't say I liked the main character much and it was all from his point of view. And then it turns out the series is about one of the other characters who was totally missable.

More Tales from the Chalet School... and Beyond by Adrianne Fitzpatrick
I bought this a while ago and then it turned up - another book to get in this year. I wasn't too sure about this one because although it's mostly Chalet School short stories some of them are from Elinor M Brent-Dyer's other series. But I enjoyed those stories just as much - they all felt pretty similar.

Lady Rample Steps Out by Shea Macleod
I really enjoyed this one. It wasn't that long, but it was fun and I really liked the characters. It turns out there are 12 in the series and the library doesn't have them, but Kobo does. Although the most expensive one is £3.49 they are all between 15k and 40k words, so that makes them less value for money. But since I'd love to read more of these characters I will probably end up buying them eventually.

What I'm Currently Reading
The Chalet School at Glendower House by Sheryl Burke
This one turned up yesterday - handily just after I'd finished the previous book. This is about the English branch (in South Wales...) after the main school goes to Switzerland. I am enjoying it so far.

What I'm Reading Next
I've ordered my unread books on my Kobo by file size, so probably whatever is smallest. Including the one I'm currently reading I have three books to finish this year. And that assumes none of my library holds come in (one definitely won't, but two might).

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