Angelic Paranoia

Paranoidangel's Website

What I am reading Wednesday

What I Just Finished Reading
Star Trek: Picard: The Dark Veil by James Swallow.
I bought this because it was 99p and because it was Riker and Troi. I started it and struggled, then decided I was going to finish or give up0 on all the books I was reading on my Kobo and this was one of them. I did finished it, but it was still ultimately set before the first series of Picard and therefore all about Romulans and synthetics. I couldn't find a way to care about them in this book any more than I had in the series.

How to Argue with a Racist by Adam Rutherford.
I went to add this one to my spreadsheet and couldn't find the 'acquired' entry in order to add it to the 'read' entry. Turns out it's because I bought it in 2021 and my spreadsheet starts in 2022. I had started it, but got bored and stopped. This time round I found it interesting, talking about race and genetics and how we can't infer anything at all really.

What I'm Currently Reading
The Innocents by Francesca Segal.
I just started it today and have so far only read one chapter. I had it on my Kobo wishlist and then it was reduced to 99p, so I bought it. I have no idea why I added it because it seems to be a bit romance-y.

What I'm Reading Next
I did put a hold on a library ebook. So that, if it comes in. Or it would be good to read one of the physical books I have taking up space. I have now read all of my currently reading books on my Kobo, so I have plenty of other choices. But I looked at them the other day and didn't fancy any of them. The trouble is I have nothing to read...

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