Angelic Paranoia

Paranoidangel's Website


[info]small-fandoms had a Drabbleathon for February, when I'd just finished watching Mr Selfridge and had some fic ideas. So I thought I'd write a few in drabble form and ended up writing ten...

There was a point when I thought I'd cracked the drabbles by writing 100 words in the first draft. Although it made it hard to edit. But then I wrote one that kept being within one or two words every time I ran through it. And another that was 130 words on the first draft, which is unhelpful.

I have a longer fic on the go, but I got distracted by the drabbles. And by [info]seasonsofdrabbles, whose RSS feed started working again, just in time for the winter round. I considered that maybe I didn't need it, given that I'd written some drabbles and therefore got back into writing. But then I enjoyed writing for it, and got two gifts I loved, so what's not to like.

I got two amazing gifts:

lessons learned (200 words) by CeruleanTactician
Fandom: Doctor Who (1963), Doctor Who
Rating: General Audiences
Characters: Ace McShane, Seventh Doctor
Summary: Ace moves on.

The Viennese Table (700 words) by CommanderBayban
Fandom: Doctor Who (1963), Doctor Who (Big Finish Audio)
Rating: General Audiences
Characters: Sixth Doctor, Evelyn Smythe
Summary: The Doctor’s aversion to carrots stemmed from…

Incidentally, I just discovered the tags to the second one which include cake and carrots and is exactly my tagging strategy.

And then I wrote two Doctor Who drabbles and Star Trek drabbles:
Snow Days (700 words) by paranoidangel
Fandom: Doctor Who (Big Finish Audio)
Rating: General Audiences
Characters: Evelyn Smythe, Sixth Doctor
Summary: Five times the Doctor and Evelyn enjoy the snow and ice.

Letters, Unsent; Argument, Unresolved (600 words) by paranoidangel
Fandom: Doctor Who (1963), Doctor Who (Big Finish Audio), Doctor Who (2005)
Rating: General Audiences
Characters: Ace McShane, Thirteenth Doctor
Summary: Five letters Ace writes to the Doctor and one she writes to Ace.

It amused me that I got drabbles with the same characters that I wrote for Doctor Who.

A Movie Night Explosion (100 words) by paranoidangel
Fandom: Star Trek: Enterprise
Rating: General Audiences
Characters: Malcolm Reed, Charles "Trip" Tucker III
Summary: Malcolm and Trip discuss Malcolm's love of explosions in movies.

First Contact: Red (300 words) by paranoidangel
Fandom: Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Characters: Erica Ortegas, Christopher Pike
Summary: The aliens have their own ideas about who should conduct first contact.